Summation Symbol ()

In mathematic the summation symbol capital sigma is generally used to reqpresents summation of similar terms.

Simple Sum

For example, adding a sequence of number up to the n number starting from 1 can be compactly describe in this manner:

More generally, the expression represents the sum of n terms

A few more examples:


Another example:



We must not confuse the following expressions pairs. Because the expression:

is not the same as:

And the expression

is not the same as:

Let’s explorer further on why that is by subsituting some arbitrary numbers into the variables.

For example, given , , , , and , , :

Conclusion 1,

Conclusion 2,

Double Sums

Summation doubles are just simply summation of a summation, the below expression are the ones you’ll likely encounter when you’re dealing with double sums.

The basic double sum expression:

Let’s replace some arbitrary numbers into upperbounds of the summations to explore them:

Less general case:

Explanations for above relations with an example of :

Let’s sort out the first:

Exploring relation 1:

Exploring relation 2:

Explanation for last relation:

There are few other complex double sums examples but we’ll not dive into them in this article.

Double Index

Sometime in computer science and afew other areas where we need to represent the data of a table or a matrix. In the following example we’ll explorer double index notations where in the first index (i) represent the number of the row where the data is located and the second (j) to the column.

represents the data at row 4 and column 9



Let’s visualize the data with a table.


To figure out the sum of the terms of a row, we fix the index of the row and vary for all possible values, the index of the column.

For exmaple:

To carry out the summation of the whole of the table, we vary both indices and use double sum: